Chinchillas as Pets is the complete guide to caring for your pet chinchilla for a long, happy and healthy life. Aimed at both prospective and current owners alike, here you can find answers to frequently asked questions such as do chinchillas make good pets? to their dietary needs, housing requirements, how to handle, emotional wellbeing, basic medical care and much more. Just click on the green links throughout the site to find out more.
Chinchillas are fairly complex animals and in relative terms, haven't been kept as pets for that long. Unfortunately there is lots of incorrect information about their care which can lead to sick and unhappy chinchillas. This website is solely focused on the welfare of chinchillas. Updated regularly, Chinchillas as Pets aims to be at the very forefront of chinchilla care, helping guide owners so their chinchillas live long, happy, healthy lives.
Expensive - vets bills can easily amount to well over £/$1000 when your chinchilla is ill, so ensure you can afford this
Expect a messy home! Chinchillas poo virtually constantly, plus their pellets and pieces of hay will inevitably end up on the floor, even with daily cleaning